Letting go of summer

For a last day of summer, this is one for the record books in term of perfection. There’s a gorgeous warm breeze populated by dragonflies, thistledown, and the spicy smell of aster. The bees are ecstatically hitting all the late summer blooms and the chickens are enjoying a lazy dust bath and leaving their summer feathers behind. The trees are starting to turn, and everywhere you look nature is providing another lesson on how beautiful letting go can be.

And then there’s Kiki. This season has not been kind to her. My sassy little leghorn seems to have gone into her molt tail first. She’s pretty much spherical at the moment, and whatever your views on anthropomorphizing animals, she is one embarrassed chicken. She was the last one out to free-range today, which is unheard of, she’s sticking pretty close to the coop, and she looks like she’s trying to hide behind the others. She’s definitely not feeling herself.

It’s a good reminder. Letting go can be beautiful, but sometimes it can be awkward and ugly and really throw us for a loop. That’s ok too. We all have to let go in our own way, whether we’re letting go of a season, a phase of life, or the way we thought things would be. Only then will we get to enjoy what comes next.