Top 10 tips for enjoying -or at least surviving-winter.

I’m pressing pause on the sustainability posts for just a second.  Winter seems to have settled into our little corner of the world, and it’s not even Thanksgiving yet. In the last week, I’ve had a lot of conversations punctuated with complaints about the weather.

So here’s my confession: I Love winter.  A lot. Yes, I’m one of those people. I love the snow, I love the smell of woodsmoke, I love snuggling under piles of blankets and drinking buckets of tea – the whole nine yards. 

Don’t get me wrong, there is a lot to dislike about winter in New England.  The weather is even more unpredictable than usual, your heating and lighting bills go through the roof, and the unbelievably short days can make you mad cranky.  Then there’s the driving. We won’t even go there.

Despite everything, I have really come to love this season, so I thought I would share a few tips and tricks that can help make winter much more enjoyable. At least until February. Even I get sick of it by then.

1. If you’re lucky enough to have a wood stove, keep the kettle on. It will add some much-needed humidity to the air and provide you with hot water for tea or coffee on demand. Just don’t forget to keep refilling it. 

2. Mull all the things. I love the smell and taste of mulling spices. I use the woodstove for this too. We often wrap up our evenings with a mug of mulled cider or wine. I just found this link to other mulled goodies and I plan to try them all this season, though I really have my doubts about mulled beer….

3. Get a Happy Light. This is a must for me. Seasonal Affective Disorder is something I really struggle with during the winter. I have a happy light set up in my office area and I try to put it on for about an hour a day while I’m working. I definitely find it boosts my mood more than St. John’s Wort or Vitamin D. Those two supplements are also worth a shot if you struggle with SAD. 

4. Treat yourself to a warm bath once a week. Add your favorite oils or bubble bath, put a cup of hot tea beside you, and read a book or put a favorite episode on your iPad (placed safely somewhere where it can’t accidentally go for a swim, of course). As an added bonus, light some candles and just soak in the warmth and glow for as long as you can.

If you’re not a bath person, just light some candles in your living room, pile on the blankets and do the same. 

5. Get outside. Yup. As much as it can suck when the air hurts your face, if you get outside for just 20 minutes a day it helps your body adapt to the cold, boosts your immune system and your office or home will feel that much warmer and cozier when you come back inside.

My son has definitely increased my outside time over the last few years and he spends more time outside in the winter than any other time of the year. We build all sorts of things in the snow, have snowball fights, examine animal tracks, you name it. If you have a kiddo in your life, I highly recommend getting outside with them this winter. It will totally change your perspective. Just remember to bundle up.

6. Live in layers. If you haven’t discovered Cuddle Duds, I highly recommend that you check them out. Their products are soo soft and go under just about any outfit without making it look bulky. I usually buy a couple of pieces a winter and they last a long time, so now I’ve got a nice collection that makes braving the elements much easier. Also, lined jeans are a freakin’ game-changer.  My awesome mother-in-law bought me a pair just recently and I’m in love. They may not be the most flattering pair of jeans in my dresser, but I don’t feel the cold at all.

7. Focus on the positives. Two words. No. Bugs. We don’t have to deal with black flies, mosquitos, or ticks. I’m feeling this one hard this year. 

8. Embrace the season and I don’t just mean the Christmas season, though I kind of think that putting up your Christmas lights early and leaving them up through February should be a state mandate. We need all the light and color we can get this time of year. I mean embrace all the things you can do/get in the winter that you can’t the rest of the year.  Go ice skating, sledding, skiing, ice boating- whatever you enjoy. Go get your favorite seasonal beer or beverage. There are so many flavors out this time of year that will disappear by the end of January. Stock up on egg nog, wassail, or spice tea and just enjoy.

9. Make a point to connect. This one is tricky for me. I’m a bit of an introvert by nature and I tend to want to hunker down and just snuggle with my guys this time of year. It’s lovely until the cabin fever sets in and we all get a little sick of each other. I have to force myself to go beyond my little homestead and connect with my other people. I hope to follow my own advice on this, this year. Meet up with friends and family, catch a holiday movie or play, go to a tree lighting, or have people over for sledding and cocoa. If you’re still dealing with winter chores like wood stacking or winterizing (as we are), make a work party out it, and then return the favor. You’ll be productive, have fun and be social all at the same time.

10. Be kind to yourself. Winter is tough. It always has been. There are just more external challenges this time of year and, for some of us, more internal challenges as well. Remember to be kind to yourself and do your best to be kind to others.

Sorry, I can’t do anything about your heating bills or the road conditions, but I hope you find something in here that makes the winter just a little brighter for you. And if you’re in our neck of the woods, stop by! The kettle is always on.