Attempting to write with an open heart…

January is in the books and we move on to another month. It’s funny how in COVID Time, each turn of the calendar page feels like it brings a bit of relief and hope.

February is Heart Health month, so they tell me. 

A few months ago I was recruited to put together a weekly wellness newsletter as part of my day job. It’s actually the most rewarding part of my job at the moment.

As I was working on the letter for this week, I was chaffing against the somewhat narrow parameters of what I could post.  It’s not an uncommon feeling in my job, as I have to pull back from going too far into politics or too far into the woo.

My newsletter stayed firmly in the lane of the physical heart (with one nod at the importance of the mind-body connection in the form of self-compassion). It’s full of great tips and resources on diet, exercise, and the usual, but….

Here there be monsters….or rather, here I  can venture further into the topic and don’t need to stay in the shallows.

Since heart health is a pretty big issue in my family (and since my family is mostly who reads this) I want to put out a series of heart healthy posts over the next month. I was going to say one a day, but who would I be fooling?

A caveat: much like my “homesteading” blog isn’t all about the best poultry feed and how to boost egg production, these posts won’t be all about the best cardio workout or how many portions of salmon you should eat a week.

Will it be useful? Yes. It will hopefully also be thought provoking and, at times, raw and vulnerable.

Expect a bit of woo – mostly backed by science.

Ironically, this heartfelt series is fairly self-serving; it’s a way for me to research things I’ve been meaning to dig into, and a way to get me out of my shell and back to my writing once and for all.

Leap before you’re ready right?

We shall see…