I freaking love a fresh start!

I woke up today in the best mood, totally energized and raring to go!

Then I realized it was 3:30 in the morning and that if I wanted to keep up with the 6 year old all day I should probably cool my jets a bit longer.

It’s day one of this crazy new experiment of mine. I don’t think I have ever felt calmer or more excited at the same time. There are a million clichés lining up to describe how I feel about it all, but the one winning out is that I feel like my feet are on the right path…even though I have no idea where it will lead.

I won’t go into too many details about all the different projects I hope to take part in this year, but I will say I plan on writing a lot more. I’m hoping to start my day on this blog and that means a few things.

  1. Not all my posts will be brilliant (not to say that they all have been up to this point, but, I mean…really not). There are likely to be funny stories ranging from basement chickens to the delightful weirdness of homeschool life. There are likely to be rants about the state of the world or the state of my mind. There are likely to be many more boring posts, and many more uncorrected typos, particularly as Magic cat has decided that morning writing is also lap time. Regardless, it’s time this blog started earning its keep.
  2. On that note, the blog actually needs to start earning its keep. I need to monetize this puppy or deep-six it by the end of the year. Do I know quite how I am doing that yet? Nope. That too will be an experiment.
  3. It’s likely to change. I’m assuming that writing every day, rather than waiting for the perfect topic and what little available time life supplies to write it, will change the voice of this blog. To what? Who knows? That too is a mystery.

Why will I be writing to you most mornings? I need something to keep me focused, keep me honest, and keep me moving forward during a year of wide open possibilities. I need a little accountability and you are it, dear readers.

Why mornings? I have a bargain with the six year old that my time is mine until 7 am. What that means is I get to drink ridiculous amounts of tea and type with a cat laying on my arms while I listen to him read to himself and/or create hilarious games up in his room. This morning it seems to involve a great many songs of his own composing, and array of dramatic voices, and something to do with space ghosts … I think. If I am stumped some morning I may transcribe some of his wild inventions for you. This child’s brain is an absolute delight.

So here we go! Oh, and if you don’t want to see me in your inbox a lot more than you are used to, go ahead and unsubscribe. I get it. No hard feelings. If you’re sticking around, thank you. I’m really excited to see where it all goes.