
For those of you who were lucky enough to still have see-saws on your childhood playgrounds, did you ever stand over the fulcrum with a foot on either side trying to balance the whole thing on a level? (Side note: kids like me are probably why you don’t see many see-saws anymore).

That balancing act is March. This is particularly true if you’re a homesteader. If you’re lucky, you are still eating your canned and frozen harvests from last summer and fall while you start your seeds for the spring planting. You’re still shoveling several inches of snow while you prep your materials for any spring building projects.

March is neither one thing or the other and it’s everything at the same time. It’s the season of mud and snow. It’s the seed-starting season. It’s sap boiling season. It’s endless overcast days. It’s the time change and sleep disturbances. And it’s dealing with it all with far too much cabin fever and far too little vitamin D.

So this year, I have been trying to heal my relationship with March. I’ve been trying to remember the strange exhilaration of the balancing act, that moment of perfect poise and equilibrium that feels almost like flying.

For all of us, there’s the internal balance to be found as well. This is a great time to rid ourselves of what’s outdated and no longer needed and set our focus on where we want to go next. The ultimate balancing act: what do you honor and keep, what do you thank and release. It’s hard work, but when we hit that moment of perfect balance, it’s pure magic.

Happy Equinox!