“Perfectionism is the voice of the Oppressor” and “Shitty first drafts.”
The shorter days are sending me into hibernation mode. I can barely keep my eyes open this morning and all I want to do is eat sweets. This feels like one of those mornings where curling up with tea and starring at the walls is a much better idea. And yet, I write. I write
Making space for more
The cat is telling me that I’m in the wrong writing space. She came and yelled at me first thing to inform me she wasn’t impressed with the change of venue. The little dog, however, has taken up the watch, perched at my feet on the futon that fills up one entire end of the
The stories we tell ourselves…
So I haven’t been writing as much this last week, as you can tell. That is, I haven’t been pinning words down on paper or on a computer. I’ve been writing non-stop in my mind – as I do dishes, while I’m trying to fall asleep, while I’m listening for the popcorn to finish in
Ain’t Nothing but A Mercury Thing…
Let me tell you a little about my week…. On Monday morning, I woke up thinking all was well with the world, that I had finally sorted my blog subscription settings and was done with that headache. In a few short minutes, I realized that not only had I not fixed a thing, I had
I’m being karmically stalked by Anne Lamott.
Do you ever have something that keeps popping up in your life so much that you get the feeling that the Universe is trying to tell you something? Over the last two weeks, I have lost track of how many times Anne Lamott’s Bird by Bird has come up. It’s been mentioned on a certain
To Sleep Perchance to … Just Sleep. No Dreams Required.
Insomnia has made a sudden and dramatic reappearance in my life. This is not the brain spins that accompany an unfinished to do list (of which I have many) but that wide awake refusal to sleep that your brain suddenly flips to with seemingly no reason. It will then proceed to meander around random things
Baking and blog issues
Today in homeschool we are learning fractions and baking up some more fall treats. Therefore my morning time needs to be dedicated to prepping my kitchen for the onslaught of two 6 year olds. I just wanted to say I do know that these still aren’t getting to people’s inboxes and I have been trying
Preparing for the dark times.
I have a love/hate relationship with autumn. It’s a stunningly beautiful season where I live and absolutely one of my favorites. The temperatures are fantastic, the foliage is gorgeous, in non COVID times harvest festivals abound, and I have a serious weakness for the combination of apples and cinnamon. Pumpkin spice, not so much. So
Happy Equinox
Happy Mabon/Autumnal Equinox. May your day be bountiful and beautifully balanced.
It’s not the feelings, it’s how we feel about the feelings.
I’m having all the feelings this morning. We had a markedly amazing long weekend and in the midst of it all we discovered that our big dog’s lymphoma was rearing its ugly head again. This girl really likes to teach me about the good and the bad in life and about the crazy ride our