Meet Midnight Magic

Happy Friday all. With a lovely 2 hour episode of sleeplessness last night followed by a 5:15 wake up from the lad it took me a little longer to get going this morning. Nevertheless, the second I shifted my attention to writing this blog post, the cat came running in, purring like mad, and installed

Floating through the fog.

Brain fog was a real battle yesterday with the storm rolling in. I needed to save what little brain power I had for teaching homeschool so I allowed myself to just veg out in my usual writing chair yesterday morning. My cat sat and stared at me for a full five minutes before realizing that

Looking forward

A friend recently asked me what I was looking forward to. I was delighted to be able to answer, “Every day!” A big part of that is these few minutes each morning where I sit down to do this. Time for my own thoughts and my own voice have been extremely rare for a long

Go with the flow and what it really means

Over the course of this rather transformative summer, I got an amazing opportunity. In that little window where the pandemic seemed to be dying down and before Delta really started rearing her ugly head, I got the chance to go to Hawaii with three of my oldest friends. It’s something we’ve been talking about for

The Lasso Way

If the above sign doesn’t immediately flood your brain with a warm fuzzy feeling, accompanied by the image of a visor and mustache and the sound of a folksy Kansas twang, I’m both sorry for you and deeply excited for you because that means you have yet to embark on the delightful adventure that is

Wind, water, and learning to lean.

I have been married to a mariner for almost 7 years now and yesterday we finally got out in a sailboat together. In our early days of dating, he worked on antique schooners and I got to do a few stints in the galley, both as head chef and as a galley rat (think prep

Off kilter and cat-less

So everyone has those mornings where they wake up on the wrong side of the bed, right? But do any of you have days where you wake up and it just feels like the whole world is slightly off kilter (I know, I know, that could pretty much describe the last year and a half).

On F#*$ing up and Filling your Cup

Well, I did it. I broke the blog. I don’t know about on your end of things, but on my end of things it looks like the opportunity to comment is gone along with the subscribe button. So basically I am fairly sure that no one is getting this and and no one can tell

Saturdays are for sleep, right?

I had every intention of sleeping in today, but my brain and the dogs ganged up on me and pulled me out of bed at 5:30. I’ve resisted the draw of my laptop this long, but wanted to say at least a quick word. The cat, on the other hand, seems to understand that Saturdays

Dealing with first day FOMO

My social media feeds have been absolutely exploding with first day of school posts over the last few days. They are adorable, don’t get me wrong. But when my 2am brain-spins start to replay a slideshow of them, I have to admit that they are definitely putting me in a state of FOMO. Or rather,