Quarantined for Christmas?

Well despite our best efforts we managed to catch the flu. Yes, we did get the shot, but what can you do. I’m on day 4 and the lad is on day 2. My husband is the last man standing at this point and we’re only 3 days to Christmas.

Have I mentioned we love Christmas? Over our years together we’ve developed some great traditions and have streamlined our various family events into a fairly non-hectic week of fun.

This flu is not a welcome escape from the holiday chaos. This is war. We’re pulling out all the stops and coming at it with everything we have, while also trying not to lose our holiday spirit.

First attack: Chicken Soup

I know, I know, but there is some science to it and I swear by it. The second I realized I was getting sick and I got us back to the house, I threw this together and put it on top of the woodstove. I use home-canned goods when possible, but the storebought stuff works in a pinch.

1 can of carrots 1 can of chicken 1 cup of peas 1 32 ounce box of chicken broth 1/4 cup rice 1 t thyme 1 whole head garlic

Yup, you read that last part right. A. Whole. Head. Of Garlic. Again, there’s a lot of science behind this one. Likely you could leave out everything but the broth and the garlic and it would be just as effective, but this way it provides a little more sustenance. Actually they say you should just eat straight garlic, but I’m not that brave.

Second attack: Elderberry Syrup

We started taking this in earnest the second I got sick. It seems to be making a difference. On day two, my son already seems much better, my husband is still blissfully unscathed and nauseatingly cheerful and will hopefully remain so, and I’m optimistic that I’m almost on the other side of this. If only we had stayed on top of taking it beforehand, we might not be in this predicament.

Other strategies

Make your own Vicks rub or essential oil salve

You can make a basic salve recipe like this one and add eucalyptus oil to make your own Vicks. The thing that’s really handy about this is that you can make a milder version for little bodies. The other thing that you can do with the salve is you can add a few drops of essential oil and rub it on the bottom of your feet, put on some cozy socks and let it do its thing. To be honest, I’m not sure of the effectiveness of this, but it is soothing at least.

Get the mist going

We’ve had essential oil diffusers and humidifiers going like crazy. It adds some much-needed humidity to the air, is easier on the lungs, and the addition of essential oils like lavender or tea tree can help kill off some of the airborne germs.


This is key, and probably one of the reasons that the flu is lingering longest for me. Moms never get enough sleep, even when they’re sick. The little guy got to crash hard all day yesterday and he seems to be mending a lot more quickly than I am.

I’m still cautiously optimistic that we’ll be well enough to still go ahead with all of our holiday plans, but we’ve done a pretty good job making the last few days fun despite the circumstances. My husband moved our tv into the guest room and the lad and I piled pillows and blankets on the king-sized bed and alternated between snuggling/dozing and watching a ton of holiday specials. We lit our solstice candles, built an epic Christmas playlist, and read books galore. The downtime has been nice, in a way.

Hopefully, this finds you happy and healthy this holiday season. Enjoy your time with family and friends, take the time you need for yourself, and truly make this holiday season everything you want it to be.

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