Reboot and return

I’m back! Much later than planned to be sure.

I certainly had no intention of putting this down for over a year. I still cannot believe it’s been that long despite the fact that it has been a very long year, full of changes and adjustments…some of which are still ongoing.

Don’t worry, I promise to bring you all up to speed on what has been happening and fill you in on some projects that I hope to be bringing to you over the course of the next few months.

And the more things change the more they stay the same. We’re still in the pandemic – I haven’t seen my mum in two weeks as she is currently recovering from Covid. The world is still going crazy – I cringe every time I open the news app. And we’re all still putting one foot in front of the other, doing the best we can, coping with our losses, celebrating our wins.

In the words of Dylan Thomas, “Isn’t life a terrible thing, thank God?”